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Humanism's Flooding Influence (Part Four)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)If people turn away from God and His laws, the only way they can move is to liberalize toward non-restraint and license.
Humanism's Flooding Influence (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Humanism stems from the Renaissance, a time men felt free to exalt human reason and self-realization over religion and divine authority.
Defective Reasoning: Appeal to Authority
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsWe must be wary of placing too much confidence in self-appointed experts—the 'professionals' who rise to the top of every field of endeavor
Humanism's Flooding Influence (Part Two)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The world's religions today are steeped in humanism, leaving the church of God standing virtually alone defending God's truth in a world of falsehood.
How the Human Mind Shapes What We Believe
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThere are numerous fallacious reasoning patterns to which we can all fall prey, seen in a number of incidents recorded throughout the Bible.
Mightier Than The Sword (Part Five)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)John Locke and Rene Descartes were not anti-religion or anti-God per se, but they were able to galvanize the popular disenchantment with organized religion.
Simplicity in Christ
Article by Richard T. RitenbaughWhen faced with doctrinal change, we must remember that the truth of God is simple. Even complex doctrines are easily understood by those who truly seek God.
Mightier Than the Sword (Part Four)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)John Locke rejected all contact with any influence of the will of God, promoting secular liberty and human reason as the final arbiter of all truth.
Can Theology Define God's Nature?
Article by Earl L. HennHuman reason and logic are practically useless as tools in determining the nature of God. Only the Bible gives a complete revelation of God.
Mightier Than the Sword (Part Two)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Apostate philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas sought to elevate human reason above the knowledge of God, compartmentalizing secular from sacred knowledge.
Are You Looking for Some New Thing? (Part 1)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMan's obsession with new things most often turns out to be a recycled idea from the past attempting to satisfy the irrepressible itch for novelty.
Foundation of Sand
Sermonette by Craig SablichPaul warned the Colossians of scholarly men who would try to mix God's truth with vain philosophy based on the tradition of men instead of Jesus Christ.
Tests of True Knowledge
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsA person who is puffed up parades his knowledge by exhibiting impatience, intolerance, or a false modesty, marginalizing what the uneducated in their minds.
General Revelation
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's truth is shockingly simple to understand, yet deceptively profound, causing the 'wise' to stumble but guiding true Christians toward eternal life.
Nothing But Ashes
Sermonette by Bill OnisickCarnal fear puts us into terror, but fear of God brings security. We dare not try to replace the fear of God with the love of God; both are foundational.
What Is Always True About the World?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsTo guard against the world, we must be careful not to fall into idolatry, based upon limiting God to tangible objects or those things which occupy our thoughts.
The Works of the Devil Destroyed
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsSatan and his demons know that their time is short and are determined to destroy as many people as possible, especially the Israel of God.
How Far Have We Really Come?
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughWe like to think of ourselves living in the most advanced civilization that has ever graced this fair planet. But we should define 'advanced.'
The Epistles of II and III John (Part One)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIn our quest for unity, we can never compromise with the truth. True love between brethren is impossible without an equal pr greater love for the truth.
Preventing Deception
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughReligious hucksters use the bait of self-gratification, selling non-essential or even heretical ideas. The elect resist deception by knowing the real article.

Discern and Distinguish Between Spirits
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsInspiration and doctrine were meant to be complementary rather than adversarial. Many believe they have found new truth when they have recycled old heresies.
Truth-Based Worship Vs Spiritual Confusion
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod never accepts worship that comes from human reasoning and the traditions of man. The starting point for worship must always be God and His revelation.
Politics and Christ's Return
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBecause we are set apart by God, we are not to become involved in the world's political, judicial, or military systems. Our term in office has yet to begin.
Keeping the Truth Pure
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)If we allow doctrine to be contaminated with man's flawed reason, it will defile the truth. Job's friends used profane sources in their arguments.
How Emotions Affect Spiritual Maturity
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod displays emotions, but they are always under control, unlike mankind. Using God's Spirit, we can grow into emotional (not emotionless) spiritual maturity.
Seeing the Invisible
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughImagination, coupled by the power of the Holy Spirit, helps us to understand the power and reality of the invisible. Faith as a concept is immaterial.
The Doctrine of Israel (Part Eight): Romans 10
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughFrom the days of Sinai on, the ancient Israelites fixated on the notion that they were God's chosen people. This perspective proved counterproductive.