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Idolatrous Suppressors of the Truth
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWhen John talks about idols, he is going far beyond things like statues, icons, and crucifixes, but instead anything people focus on first.
Suppressed Archaeology (Part One)
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsSeveral groups have questioned the bias of the Smithsonian Institute for suppressing records of pre-Columbus exploration and inhabiting of North America.
A Disagreement With the Truth
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityGod alone possesses truth and we must seek this truth as we would seek precious gems. Pride could be described as disagreement with the truth.
The Truth Matters!
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsSecular scientists opt for political correctness, denying anything which would establish the historicity of the Bible, even the location of Joseph's tomb.
'Dangerous' Speakers of Truth
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughWatchwords of our time are 'Islamic terrorism' and 'Muslim extremists,' and nearly every point of conflict on the planet involves Muslim aggression.
Truth (Part 2)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughOnly a converted person humbles himself before the truth, making a conscientious effort to follow the light of evidence, even to unwelcome conclusions.
Truth-Based Worship Vs Spiritual Confusion
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod never accepts worship that comes from human reasoning and the traditions of man. The starting point for worship must always be God and His revelation.
What is Truth?
Sermonette by Ryan McClureTruth is a fundamental base of a relationship between God and His people. As the days grow evil, God's people must cling to the truth and love His holy law.
Suppressed Archaeology (Part Four)
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThere has been a systematic denigrating of evidence of pre-Columbian migration from the Old World to the western hemisphere, particularly North America.
Seeing God in Creation (Part One)
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamThe academicians of Paul's time were no different from current academicians, who have swallowed Darwin's hypothesis, claiming that apes were our ancestors.
Are Humans Becoming More Intelligent? (Part Four)
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThose who refuse to acknowledge the creation's revelation that God exists are totally without excuse. Mankind has copied every innovation from God's design.
Wisdom and Foolishness
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Stephen Hawking has proven himself an unmitigated fool possessing a totally reprobate mind, totally ignoring the visible proofs of His existence.
In The Beginning, God Created
Sermonette by Ryan McClureThe reprobate theories of Darwin have polluted all facets of society, conditioning proponents of this vile idea to reject the Designer of creation.
Seeing God in Creation (Part Two)
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamTwo theories try to deny the Creator God: the Big Bang Theory and Darwin's theory of the Origin of the Species. We can deduce God's presence from His creation.
God's Glory in a Volcano
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughMost scientists' comments about volcanoes serve to prove their indoctrination into evolutionary theory as they refuse to consider God's creative power.
Seeing God in Creation (Part Three)
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamPhysicists see order and regularity in nature, seeing the ubiquitous pattern of the golden ratio unifying the shapes of rose petals, shells, and the human body.
Wonders of God
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamWhen science confines itself to observable facts, it is impossible to escape the evidence of intelligent design and the reality of God.
Why Liberals Love Illegals (Part Four)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Demonic influence seems to be guiding the decision to court the favor of Islamic extremists, with the Attorney General forbidding profiling of Islamists.
What Evolution Really Means
Article by David C. GrabbeWhy do people subscribe to evolution with more blind faith than a Christian needs to believe in a Creator? And what has been its fruit in society?
What 'The Bible and Its Influence' Will Teach
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe liberal media and National Education Association strive to banish every hint of Christianity from public school. Surprisingly, one 'Bible class' is allowed.
The Falling Away
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeThe scope of the prophesied falling away is obviously international, affecting the entire world, involving a dramatic global rejection of even basic truth.
The Falling Away
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. GrabbeOne of Paul's prophecies foretells of a falling away shortly before Christ's return. The coming apostasy is worldwide in scope and will put pressure on all.
Handwriting Is On The Wall (2019)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThose espousing transhumanism aspire to correct the 'glitches' of human imperfection through gene splicing, replacing 'inferior' organs with synthetic ones.
In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster (Part Nine)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Philosophers and educators have been Satan's chief tools in recent history. God has allowed Satan to do his work, realizing that all humans require testing.
How Much Longer Do We Have?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeWhen Christ returns, we cannot be at odds with Him at all, but must have been attending to the salvation process, putting our spiritual houses in order.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Eight)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFaith is difficult enough to maintain on its own, but greatly confused when the pastor dilutes correct doctrine with 'benign' false doctrine from the world.
Entertainment Lies Matter, Too
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The original production of the television miniseries, Roots, was alleged to be a true history of Alex Haley, while in fact it vastly distorted the truth.
Proofs of Christ's Resurrection
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThere is more corroboration of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ and His life experiences than that regarding Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar.
Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 5)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPurpose-driven churches experience exponential growth through tolerating any belief. These churches would sacrifice any doctrine if it stands in the way of growth.
Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughDespite the growing popularity of Purpose-Driven churches, national immorality is still increasing. The 'emerging church' grows numerically by suppressing truth.
Leadership and the Covenants (Part Thirteen)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)God is at work producing leadership in an organization that will follow Him, calling people into His family, carefully crafting it into a perfect organism.
The Beauty of God's Law
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughKeeping God's Law brings bountiful blessings, harmony, and profound peace (Psalm 119:165), while the 'cheap' grace brings guilt, anxiety, and pain.
'Political' Science
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityDue to the high level of respect for science, political and cultural leaders are selectively using it to push agendas that contradict established facts.