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Thankful Forever
CGG Weekly by Martin G. CollinsIs it not a shame that a day set apart for thanking the Almighty Creator of the universe is either commercially overhyped or given barely a glance?
Benefits of Thanksgiving
CGG Weekly by Gary MontgomeryDo we thank God daily for all His blessings? Do we thank Him for only the nice things? He wants us to thank Him for His benefits, mercy, and graciousness.
The Power of 'Thank You'
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingSome have declared that the words 'thank you' are some of the most powerful, disarming anger , increasing health, and allowing one to sleep in peace.

'Ready Answer' by StaffHere is why we should be thankful, how much we have to be thankful for, and how we can give God our thanks.
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsThe apostle Paul predicted the end-time generation to be unthankful. We need to buck this trend and show our appreciation to God and fellow man.

Thanksgiving or Self-Indulgence?
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughShould Christians celebrate Thanksgiving Day? Are all this world's holidays off limits? Here is how to determine their propriety.
The Spirit of Gratitude
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Pride, the kind demonstrated by Nebuchadnezzar when he boasted about what he had accomplished, militates against any feelings of gratitude.
Sermonette by Ryan McClureWe cannot emulate the nine ungrateful lepers, but must be proactive in our expressions of thanksgiving, such as making lists of things for which we are thankful.
What Is There to Be Thankful for Today?
CGG Weekly by John O. ReidWe find it difficult to retain a positive, thankful attitude these days, but we should always offer thanksgiving to God, especially in times like these.

Article by Mark SchindlerSome people cannot seem to realize a blessing if it slaps them across the face! Ingratitude can hold a person back in his or her relationship with God.
Be You Thankful
Sermon by John O. ReidWhen we neglect to become thankful, our hearts harden, bringing about alienation from God. Gratitude is the glue that cements our relationships with God.
Be Thankful!
Sermon by John O. ReidThe danger of abundant blessings is that we tend to forget the source of the blessings and cease being thankful. When we forget to be thankful, we forget God.
Facing Times of Stress: Faithfulness
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPrayers often become difficult because we fail to add thanksgiving, praise or adoration toward God. Thankfulness is an obligation to which we are bound.
New Covenant Priesthood (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWithout thanksgiving and praise, our prayers degenerate into the 'gimmes' with the emphasis on the self. We must give God thoughtful thanks in every circumstance.
Thankfulness (1986)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWe need to give thanks for everything, blessings and trials. Christianity ought to be an exhilarating experience, but it depends on our outlook on life.
Be Content in All Things (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by Geoff PrestonDiscontentment is a disease that slowly and insidiously affects the mind, and people who suffer from it find that it grows out of control if left unchecked.
You Have Not So Learned Christ
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWhile the truth of Christ has the power to elevate, our worldly orientation blinds us, dulls our minds, and pulls us downward to abject slavery to sin.
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPhysical hunger and thirst provide important types of the desire one must cultivate for spiritual resources, realizing that man cannot live by bread alone.
New Covenant Priesthood (Part Five)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughHumility is not low self esteem, but instead it is a proper estimate of our relationship to God, which is a choice to act and behave as a servant or slave.