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Solving the School-Shooting Crisis

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Resolving these problems is not possible unless policy-makers factor in human carnality. The solution is character reform, not political reform.

Shooting At UNCC

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

A brave hero, Riley Howell, an ROTC student, saved the lives of his fellow students, giving up his own as he tackled the deranged UNCC dropout, Trystan Terrell.

Mass Shootings in Today's America

'WorldWatch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The knee-jerk calls for gun control after a mass shooting miss other, more likely causes of mass murders—especially the spiritual dimension.

A Problem With No Present Solution

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Gun control was attempted in Dodge City but rejected when it was discovered that the evil doers had the upper hand if the populace could not defend itself.

Kid Kid-Killers

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The rash of school shootings in America definitely has a cause, but it is not the ones that the experts predictably blame on the evening news.

April Murder

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In the past fourteen years, 292 people were killed in four April mass murders in the United States, and perhaps others could be added to the tally.

It Won't Stop Until We Stop Giving Permission

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

All sin has occurred because God has given people the ability to make choices. Knowing that God is right will help deter us from making the wrong choice.

Our Battle Against Evil Programming!

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Military strategists have desensitized people to accept killing as normal and acceptable, even as Video games condition people to enjoy killing.

Conditioned Response

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

The defilement that begins in the heart is shaped, molded, and conditioned by the media, training people to override their conscience, desensitizing them.

Parenting (Part 1): Principles

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Because of our upside down emphasis on the youth culture and its characteristic selfishness or self-centeredness, the family is crumbling and deteriorating.

God's Will in the End Time

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God does not like to inflict punishment on people, but because of sin, He is obligated to correct. But as quickly as God punishes, God restores and heals.


Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Submitting to a human government is a work that requires self-government. Paul thoroughly disciplined his body as he followed the example of Jesus Christ.

What Is the Work of God Now? (Part Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The largest portion of the great commission demands that the lion's share of time, money, or energy ought to be invested in feeding the flock.