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Forgers of Lies
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsPharmaceuticals push vaccines that have not been properly tested onto a fearful public. The CDC admits that the average drug may contain up to 70 side effects
Drug Money in America
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbePharmaceuticals are big business. The drug industry and its money have become pervasive and influential with patients, physicians, and governments.
Antibiotic Doomsday Scenario
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsOver 50% of the prescribed antibiotic drugs are unnecessary and are actually strengthening the pathogenic bacteria, turning them into killer diseases.
Mass Shootings in Today's America
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe knee-jerk calls for gun control after a mass shooting miss other, more likely causes of mass murders—especially the spiritual dimension.
'Never Events'
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsMedication error constitutes the deadliest form of 'never events.' The medical community seems more interested in managing disease than in finding its cause.
Shooting At UNCC
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughA brave hero, Riley Howell, an ROTC student, saved the lives of his fellow students, giving up his own as he tackled the deranged UNCC dropout, Trystan Terrell.
Who Is the God of Medicine?
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsVery few pharmaceutical products are based on scientific merit; marketing and profit drive the development, production and distribution of these substances.
The Tyranny of the Majority: Satan's Tool to Destroy Nations
Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Terrain Theory advocates undermine their cause by syncretizing with Eastern religions or denying the existence of germs altogether, something Béchamp never did.
Solving the School-Shooting Crisis
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughResolving these problems is not possible unless policy-makers factor in human carnality. The solution is character reform, not political reform.
It Won't Stop Until We Stop Giving Permission
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)All sin has occurred because God has given people the ability to make choices. Knowing that God is right will help deter us from making the wrong choice.
The Fear of Man Is a Snare
Commentary by David F. MaasA number of ministers of the greater church of God, forgetting that the fear of man is a snare, have yielded to pressure regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccine Policy
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughGod's church, though responsible to preach scriptural principles on God's health laws, including vaccines, does not dictate how God's people choose.
Victims of Existentialism
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Existentialism, a philosophy of humanism, became a major force in America following World War II, ushering in a steep moral decline that has continued unabated.
Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Four)
Sermon by David F. MaasOne of the most marvelous gifts God has given humanity is water—having both physical and spiritual dimensions, serving as the symbol of God's Spirit.
Addiction and Self-Control
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughGod does not view addictions as 'diseases' or 'genetic predisposition,' which absolve the individual of responsibility. Addictions are the result of sinful choices.

Idolatrous Suppressors of the Truth
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWhen John talks about idols, he is going far beyond things like statues, icons, and crucifixes, but instead anything people focus on first.
More On Lying - An Apology
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We need to be careful absorbing articles and blogs which may conform to our preconceived view of things, but do not necessarily conform to the truth.
An Overview of the Immigration Problem
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)When diversity is given greater importance than unity, one can see the end of unity and cooperation with regard to national goals.
Unmasking Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Part Two)
Commentary by David F. MaasSome billionaire 'philanthropists' have profound messiah complexes that drive them to promise peace, prosperity and health, but which pose existential threats.
Who Am I?
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityGod has called us into the His Family; we should form a bond among each other, comforting, edifying, and encouraging one another—the best antidote to loneliness.