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Ginning Up Racial Strife
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughGinned-up racial strife provides an opportunity for powerful people and groups to maintain their power and to push toward their political goals.
Behind the Scandal
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughMany Americans have reached the nadir of morality and inhumanity described in Hosea 4:1-2. How much lower can we go and still function as a civil society?
Mass Shootings in Today's America
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe knee-jerk calls for gun control after a mass shooting miss other, more likely causes of mass murders—especially the spiritual dimension.
You Fight and War
CGG Weekly by Martin G. CollinsIn all religious confrontations, the motivation is the desire for power. It is a desire to have the upper hand, to control the target of one's desires.
A Great Victory - But!
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade is a step back from the brink of destruction, but the moral climate of the United States has not changed.
Bloodshed Upon Bloodshed
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughPhilosophically, the belief in the innate goodness of human nature has been a part of the liberal mind at least as long as the ideas of Mencius, Confucius, and Plato.
April Murder
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughIn the past fourteen years, 292 people were killed in four April mass murders in the United States, and perhaps others could be added to the tally.
A World at War
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityGlobal conflict increased dramatically between 2021 and 2023, in contrast to the prior six years. The outlook for peace apart from Christ's return is dim.
Who's Sending the Looters?
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamAs God anciently used Gentile nations to puncture Israel's pride, so He may allow Gentiles in Israel to serve as a testimony of Israel's lawlessness.
At It Again
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughTe Middle East has become embroiled in a deadly new intifada, with angry haters of Jacob's children unleashing unending hamas on the descendants of Judah.
How Dark the Heart
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We dare not yield to politically correct propaganda, brainwashing us into thinking that murder, sexual perversion, or any evil is acceptable in the eyes of God.
'As It Was In the Days of Noah'
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughWhen Jesus said the end time would be like the days of Noah, did He mean that the last days would be violent and corrupt, or that they would come suddenly?
The Sixth Commandment
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsThe commandment against murder is the one most universally followed by man. But Jesus shows there is much more behind it than merely taking another's life.
Jihad in Our Streets
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe spirit of jihad has jumped its bounds, eagerly infecting a generation of deluded, mis-educated American youth to take to the streets in a new holy war.
Political Correctness in Spades (Part Five)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Political correctness is a kind of programmed conditioning by progressives to convince people to override their common sense and clear evidence.
It Won't Stop Until We Stop Giving Permission
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)All sin has occurred because God has given people the ability to make choices. Knowing that God is right will help deter us from making the wrong choice.
The Four Horsemen (Part Three): The Red Horse
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughOf the Four Horsemen, the red horse is the easiest to interpret. While war is the predominant symbol, the rider of the red horse may strike closer to home.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1995)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBecause restraints that once held human nature in check have been removed, the US has grown increasingly more corrupt, approaching conditions before the Flood.
What's Happening to the Blacks?
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The liberal media has also spread the heinous lie to the Black citizenry that government is the only answer to correct racism and bring about equity.
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughNo ethical issue since the Civil War has so disturbed the social fabric of this nation. People instinctively know that abortion is not morally neutral.
Shooting At UNCC
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughA brave hero, Riley Howell, an ROTC student, saved the lives of his fellow students, giving up his own as he tackled the deranged UNCC dropout, Trystan Terrell.
Is This the Spirit of the Times?
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Our culture has undergone a vast change in its standards of morality, seen in a change in national attitude, a lifting of mental fog and an emergent rage.
A Problem With No Present Solution
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Gun control was attempted in Dodge City but rejected when it was discovered that the evil doers had the upper hand if the populace could not defend itself.
Why Things Won't Change
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Only by a massive returning to God will the political landscape change for the better. The culture will only change for the worse if mobs get their way.
Without Restraint
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughPaul describes the latter times, when people will behave like spoiled brats, cursing, looting, and showing no self-control—all happening today.
The World's Need for Atonement
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughAccording to the liberal media, all we have to do is get world leaders in one room, and after a few handshakes and a couple of beers—voila! World peace!
Hebrews as a Sermon (Part One)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Even as Hebrews prepared the first century church for persecution, so it is also relevant to today's church as it faces an increasing assault on God's law.
Freedom the Right Way
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughLike the Israelites, we do not have to take up arms to break our shackles. God secured our freedom for us by His gracious gift, and He wants us to use our freedom.
Without Natural Affection
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughBecause of lawlessness, love has gone stone-cold. Sin and lawlessness begets more sin and lawlessness, and natural affection and love disappear.
The Commandments (Part Thirteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughGod has never given mankind the prerogative to determine whether war is just or not. God has promised to protect us, conditioned on our obedience to our covenant.
Handwriting on the Wall: Without Natural Affection
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughNarcissism and self-centeredness have snuffed out out-going concern, and everyone does what is right in their own eyes as the love of many grows cold.
Has America Gone Crazy? (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)America today resembles pre-revolution France. Like other mass movements, America's civil war drums are beaten by leaders in government, religion, and education.
Hijacking Peace
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityThe world has no idea where peace comes from because they have long ago rejected the Prince of Peace and His prescription for tranquility.
Appeasement (Part One)
CGG Weekly by John ReissA Twitter user, referring to the continuing riots, posted, 'When you appease criminals to try to 'get along', they see your weakness and take over.'
Why Hebrews Was Written (Part Six)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughAmerican culture is in obvious decline, and it is undoubtedly linked to the fact that mainstream Christianity is bereft of moral leadership.
Israel's Long War
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughWhile the 2023 Israel-Hamas War shocked the world, it may not signal the end. These two peoples have been fighting for millennia. Other signs must be present.
All Nations Before Him Are As Nothing!
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod used the unconverted Israelites as His instrument of removal of the Canaanites, but showed them the fruits of war, including captivity for disobedience.
Solving the School-Shooting Crisis
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughResolving these problems is not possible unless policy-makers factor in human carnality. The solution is character reform, not political reform.
Does Scripture Allow for Killing in Self-Defense?
'Ready Answer' by David C. GrabbeMany believe that we are allowed to take another's life in defense of our own, God's Word distinguishes only between accidental and premeditated killing.
Watch and Vigilantly Prepare
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe are ambassadors in a foreign land, awaiting the return of Christ, when we will help our Warrior King subdue all the rebellious nations of the earth.
Micah (Part Three): Who Is a God Like You?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMicah 5 describes legal proceedings against the people who have rejected God, promising a harsh retribution but future restoration for a physical remnant.
Micah (Part One): Hope for the Hopeless
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe prophecy of Micah had a delayed effect, taking many years before a reformer emerged on the scene. Jeremiah's life was spared because of the memory of Micah.
The Commandments (Part Fifteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughJesus emphasized the spirit of the law, which places deterrents on the motive (anger, resentment, envy, revenge), preventing murder from ever taking place.
Conspiracy Theory (Part Seven)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Satan has done a good job of sabotaging the educational system of this nation, a deliberate effort by those motivated by a desire for wealth and power.
Many Excuses
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe need to avoid the trap of self-justification, allowing our hasty words to lure us into sin. We must be quick to listen, and slow to speak.
The Commandments (Part Seventeen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWealth accumulated by honest work and diligence will be blessed, but hastily acquired by any kind of theft or dishonesty will be cursed.
Is America a Christian Nation? (Part Five)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Having experienced the turmoil of the Catholic—Protestant clash, the framers of our Constitution did not want any sect dictating religious doctrines or practices.