Commentary: Mightier Than The Sword (Part Twenty-Two)
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 14-Nov-15; 12 minutes
description: (hide) The attack on the cultures of America, Britain, and Northwestern Europe is blatantly anti-Semitic because these areas have the preponderance of Israel's population. Every one of the philosophers who have wreaked havoc upon greater Israel (including brother Judah) were themselves Israelite and Semitic (Marx, Rousseau, Descartes, Nietzsche, Darwin, etc.), damnably guilty of bringing down curses on their fellow Semites. The worst anti-Semite ever was not Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung, but Satan, the prince of the power of the air, who inspired the anti-God formulations of these toxic philosophies, making them the central desired outcomes of elementary through higher education in the Western world. Thankfully God, having promised to sift all Israel through all nations, has not lost one grain. With the insane rejection of the moral authority of the Bible, greater Israel has been incrementally dying. Perhaps the last reasonably sane decade was prior to the 1960's, when John Kennedy's assassination brought about a series of events triggering the dissolving of morals and ethics, as well as a savage shredding of the American Constitution. Today, America, Britain, and Europe are entering an apparent state of anarchy, similar to the condition described in the Book of Judges of each person doing his own thing. As Abraham Lincoln predicted, if this nation falls, it will be from traitorous, immoral forces from the inside.
I'm going to begin this commentary with a poem that was sent to me by Dave Barnes of West Sussex, England. Many of you met him during the last Feast of Tabernacles. The poem was penned by a 15-year old Minnesota schoolboy in mid-July 2011. He writes,
Now I sit me down in school,
where praying is against the rule;
for this great nation under God
finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
it violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green;
that’s no offense, it’s the freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise,
prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God’s name is prohibited by the state.
We’re aloud to cuss and dress like freaks,
and pierce our nose, tongues and cheeks.
They’ve outlawed guns, but first the Bible.
To quote the good book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
and the unwed daddy, our Senior King.
It’s inappropriate to teach right from wrong,
we’re taught that such judgments do not belong.
We can get condoms and birth controls,
study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles,
but the Ten Commandments are not allowed.
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It’s scary here, I must confess,
when chaos reigns, the school’s a mess.
So Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot, my soul please take.
How in the world did we ever get this way? It’s been a slow process, covering hundreds of years of miseducation and missing education of vital parts of our heritage.
What I am going to launch into here is not is not needed for salvation, but it is a major part of this nation’s ignorance. As a nation, we have no idea who we are.
Use the term "anti-Semitism" and at least 99% of those hearing the term, and perhaps even the person using the term, will immediately think, "anti-Jewish." And you know what? Those thoughts would be correct, but at the same time, extremely limited and narrow in their application.
Are you aware that every one of the philosophers I gave a very brief overview of was anti-Semitic? Does this mean they were anti-Jewish? They were absolutely and most definitely anti-Jewish. Can you name the person, though, who was by far and away the one most filled with virulent anti-Semitism of all time? I mean, heads and shoulder above all others—and his name was not Adolph Hitler, even though he is charged with killing six million Jews in his WWII internment camps through both gas and starvation. Nor was it Joseph Stalin, nor Mao Tze Tung. All of those men combined were pikers compared to Satan.
Who are the Semitic people and where do they live on God’s great green earth? You may chase this out yourself to at least a limited extent so that you will have the basics needed to know generally. You can begin by turning to Genesis 10, where God provides the basic listing of the beginnings of earth’s families. All the families of people on earth are descended from Noah through his three sons and their wives.
The genealogy of Semitic families are all descended from Noah through Shem. The title, "Semitic," is derived from "Shem." The genealogy continues on through Eber, from whom the title "Hebrew" is derived. But not all Hebrews are Jews. Then one must turn to Genesis 11, where the genealogy of Abraham, a direct descendant of Shem through Eber, is provided.
Abraham is the father of Isaac; Isaac of Jacob, and Jacob the father of twelve sons. Each son became the father of a nation of people. The final count is actually 13 nations of Semitic peoples descended just from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (There are other Semitic families as well, descended from Abraham through Ishmael.) This is because one of Jacob’s 12 sons, Joseph became two nations, Ephraim and Manasseh. They are both Semitic. All the Israelitish people are Semitic. In addition there are other Semitic nations that are not Israelites.
Now, where are the Israelites located? Amos 9:9 provides us with an end-time prophecy:
Amos 9:9 For surely I will command, and will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve; yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.
The Israelites, who are a Semitic people, may be considered lost but God knows where every single Israelite is located. Every single one! Not one will be lost. That is how important they are to Him. And we know where they are, too, because God has shown it to His church.
The single largest number of these Semitic people are located in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Israelis. These people are the largest group in what the media call the Western world. The Western world, brethren, is Israelitish.
Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that "if this nation ever falls, it will do so from within." That is what is happening.
You will find these names familiar: Rene Descartes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jeremy Bentham, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche. All of them were highly likely to have been Israelites—Semites.
They were all born in Israelitish nations, into families practicing some form of the Christian religion. The each departed from the Christian religion of their youth, rejected God entirely, and became major sources of generating miseducation generally, and persecutions specifically, against their fellow Semitics by means of their teachings, either directly or indirectly.
They were very effective toward influencing leadership, especially in higher education, in politics, the military, economics, and most seriously, in religion, to follow their path toward rejecting the existence of God and the moral authority of the Bible. Especially serious was the rejection of the moral authority of the Bible. What motivated them? The Bible they said is repressive. Of course it is repressive!—to human nature.
The collapse of the Western world didn’t happen in their lifetimes. It took many hundreds of years, building slowly through the generations in an educational process similar to the frog in gradually heated water principle.
Now, in our time, it is almost ready. I believe I can confidently state that the last reasonably sane decade I lived through was the 1950s. Following John Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, it has been an increasingly rapid "Katy, bar the door!" of moral and spiritual degeneration.
Without belief in the moral authority of the Bible, Satan’s next major target became the Constitution of the United States because much of the Constitution’s strength was in the faith of the American people in its authority. That no longer exists. Its authority, like the Bible’s authority, is being torn to shreds. We are rapidly plunging toward "every man doing what is right in his own eyes." We aren’t there yet, but we can’t be very many years from reaching that point of debauchery.