Moral Courage
Sermonette; Given 1/17/2009
No matter how terrifying our choices may be, if we put our faith in God, we will be given the courage to make them, like the heroes of the Bible.
The Jealousy of God
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 1/2/2009
Deuteronomy 4:24 may strike an astute reader as somewhat controversial, if not contradictory. How can our holy and perfect God be jealous?
Godly Jealousy
Sermonette; Given 11/8/2008
When carnal nature gets jealous, it manifests itself as self-centeredness, but when God gets jealous, it is in a protective context.
Refuser of Festivities
Sermonette; Given 9/27/2008
When we attend God's Feasts, we should not grumble about conditions and events, working ourselves into a disgruntled attitude.
The Dew of Heaven
Sermonette; Given 7/19/2008
Metaphorically, dew may refer to abundant blessings. Dew could also be applied to God's Holy Spirit or God's truth, withheld in times of apostasy.
The Longest Night
Sermonette; Given 4/12/2008
Jesus had to endure betrayal from a familiar acquaintance, as well as the seeming indifference of his friends, before the mob dragged Him away to injustice.
The Refuser of Festivities
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 11/4/2005
The Bible confronts party-poopers who throw a wet blanket on an enjoyable time, condemning their killjoy attitudes and commanding us to rejoice appropriately.
The Dew of Heaven
Article; Posted 9/1/2000
Dew is a creation of God that He uses several times in His Word. Here is how this symbolism applies to us today.
Lessons From Esther: Esther Sacrifices Herself
Article; Posted 4/1/1999
Queen Esther, faced with the destruction of her people in Persia, put her life on the line. Her example can be an inspiration to all of us.
The Beasts Among Us
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 5/1/1995
Prophecy tells us that one of the plagues of the end time concerns attacks by wild beasts. Here is how this may be coming to pass.