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Manna and the Preparation Day (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The Preparation Day is a day of 'gathering' what relates to eternity so that we can properly ingest the spiritual manna on the holy day without distraction.

Manna and the Preparation Day (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

God, in His providence, gave us the Preparation Day, which sets the stage so that we can properly receive the gift of the Sabbath—His holy time.

'After Three Days'

Booklet by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

A scriptural explanation of the time of Christ's death, burial and resurrection, showing that He died on a Wednesday and rose from the dead on the Sabbath.

Was Jesus Resurrected on Easter Sunday?

'Ready Answer' by Staff

When did Jesus rise from the tomb? The world - because of tradition - says Sunday, but the Bible reveals the only possible timing of His resurrection.

Polluted Sabbath?

Sermon by Bill Onisick

Polluting and profaning God's Sabbath means to allow the distractions of the world to prevent us from calling the holy Sabbath a delight.

Sabbathkeeping (Part 4)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We need to develop righteous judgment about what constitutes a genuine Sabbath emergency and what may be a deceptive rationalization of our human nature.

The Commandments (Part Nine)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Benign neglect of the Sabbath covenant can incrementally lead us into idolatry. We must treat this holy time as different from the other days of the week.

The Fourth Commandment (Part 5)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The reason for refraining from many activities on the Sabbath is not labor or energy, but the overall motivation. Certain works are perfect for the Sabbath.

Sharpening Our Saws

Article by William R. Gray

Among the reasons God has provided us with the Sabbath, it as a time to sharpen our focus. Preparation is the key to getting the most out of the Sabbath.

Our Bread of Life

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The world is confused on the timing of Christ's death and resurrection. It becomes clear by a proper understanding of the holy days, preparation days, and Sabbaths.

Chronic Difficulties

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Human tradition and Bible truth regarding the timing of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection do not square. Here is the overwhelming chronological evidence.

Jesus Christ's Trial (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

The arrest, trials, and crucifixion of Jesus were unlawful at every turn. Here are 5 reasons why.


Sermonette by James Beaubelle

Worship is required for all events in our lives, including the trials that build character within us. Anything that displaces God must be rooted out.

The Holy Spirit: The Power of God

Sermon by Kim Myers

The Holy Spirit enables us to become offspring of God, giving us the ability to produce spiritual fruit, the very character, power, and mind of God.

Think Not Thimk

Sermonette by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

If something we do on Friday frees us from doing an activity on the Sabbath, we should do it on the preparation day which begins Thursday evening.

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Sermon by Kim Myers

The seven churches listed in Revelation 2 and 3 all have deficits and strengths. God is testing us as never before; we must prepare and endure to the end.

The Cancerous Calendar Controversy

Article by John W. Ritenbaugh

Which calendar should be used to set God's holy days? No subject, unless it is church government, has divided more people for as long a period of time.