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What Makes This a 'Good' Friday?

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Good Friday is a semi-holy day for many, commemorating the assumed day Jesus died. Yet its observance is based on bad math and overlooking obvious scriptures.

Bucking Tradition

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

No one wants to have his traditions or treasured fantasies burst. But when a real Christian is presented with truth, he embraces it out of reverence for God.

Did Christ's Resurrection Change the Day of Worship? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The timing of Jesus Christ's resurrection has nothing to do with establishing which day God made holy, and everything to do with whether He is the Messiah.

'After Three Days'

Booklet by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

A scriptural explanation of the time of Christ's death, burial and resurrection, showing that He died on a Wednesday and rose from the dead on the Sabbath.

Chronic Difficulties

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Human tradition and Bible truth regarding the timing of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection do not square. Here is the overwhelming chronological evidence.

Something Fishy

Sermonette by Mike Ford

Catholics eat fish on Friday as a form of penance, commemorating Christ's supposed death on 'Good' Friday. During pagan Lent, eating fish on Friday is mandatory.

The Plain Truth About Easter

Herbert W. Armstrong Booklet

Easter is not a Christian name, but belongs to the idolatrous 'queen of heaven.' Here are the origins of Easter eggs and sunrise services, which pre-date Christ.

Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament types, slain as the Passover Lamb, resurrected with the cutting of the wavesheaf, and ascended to His Father at the time of the waving of the sheaf.

A Passion for The Passion?

CGG Weekly by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Passion has been promoted as the most faithful account of the trial and crucifixion of Christ ever filmed. Yet it is riddled with contradictions of the Bible.

Passover (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The annual reaffirmation of the covenant through the Passover is at the core of an on-going relationship with the Father and Son, beginning the perfecting process.

Pontius Pilatus

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Pilate was in a bind. He believed Jesus to be innocent, and he tried every conceivable way to avoid having to pass judgment on Him, but finally caved.