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Why Wasn't Jesus Christ Crucified at the Start of Passover?

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Jesus was crucified late on Abib 14, yet the Passover lambs were to be killed at the beginning of the 14th. The time of Christ's death is highly significant.

Passover and the Blood of Jesus Christ

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Christ's blood does much more than remit sin; it gives eternal life. The Passover wine represents the blood of the covenant, by which we are made complete.

Why Was Jesus Not Crucified as Passover Began? (Part One)

'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe

The gospels show Jesus observing the Passover at the beginning of the 14th. Should we use the time when He observed it or the time He died as our guide?

Christ, Our Passover

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Many people believe that our sins are the focus of Passover—but they are wrong! Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb, should be our focus. How well do you know Him?

Christ Our Passover

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The focus of our self-examination should not be self-centered or comparing ourselves with others, but on the awesome significance of His sacrifice.

Was Jesus Christ's Body Broken? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Christ's bones had to remain unbroken to fulfill the Passover. Additionally, His self-maledictory oath to Abraham required an unseperated—unbroken—body.

Holy Days: Passover

Bible Study by Earl L. Henn

Passover may be the most important festival ordained by God. Not only does it memorialize Christ's death, it also symbolizes our redemption and the covenant.

Passover: An Extraordinary Peace Offering

Sermon by David C. Grabbe

The Passover sacrifice is basically unconnected with atonement, but represents the peace and security which attends fellowship with God because of His acceptance.

Was Jesus Christ's Body Broken?

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Was Jesus Christ's body actually broken? If so, it would have symbolized disqualification and a broken covenant. Only the bread of Passover was broken.

The Bread and Wine of Passover

Sermon by David C. Grabbe

The Passover reminds us of the New Covenant on the anniversary of the Abrahamic covenant God using the original elements of the meal between Melchizedek and Abraham.

Passover, Obligation, and Love

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Christ's redemption obligates us to obey and serve Him. We show our gratitude for this priceless gift by doing good in acts of love and service to others.

Passover (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The annual reaffirmation of the covenant through the Passover is at the core of an on-going relationship with the Father and Son, beginning the perfecting process.

Passover (Part Three)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Nine steps had to be included with the Passover observance, all within the house until morning. It takes place between sun's setting and complete darkness.

Why Passover and Not Easter?

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Catholic Church did not forbid keeping the Passover until AD 325. The controversy over Passover or Easter boils down to following Scripture or Roman tradition.

Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament types, slain as the Passover Lamb, resurrected with the cutting of the wavesheaf, and ascended to His Father at the time of the waving of the sheaf.

A Look at Christian Suffering (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

If we are merely seeking a crown of glory, hoping to skirt by Christ's suffering, we must ask ourselves whether we really accept the Passover cup.

Unleavened Bread Basics

Sermon by David C. Grabbe

The Feast of Unleavened Bread memorializes God's deliverance from the environment of sin rather than our coming out of sin. Christ embodies sincerity and truth.

I Am Barabbas

Article by Staff

To some, Barabbas is nothing more than an interesting detail in Christ's trial. His presence during that event holds significant implications for us.

A Worthy Manner?

CGG Weekly by Pat Higgins

Why does it mean to observe the Passover in a worthy manner? It is not about works. It begins with realizing the depth of our sin, yet our focus must go beyond this.

Remember Me

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

God asks that we use the Passover to bring to remembrance His redemptive act, especially how our sins caused Christ to die in our stead.

His Bones Were Not Broken

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

Jesus is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb whose bones were to be left intact. His piercing parallels the lamb being bled by splitting its throat.

Truly Unleavened

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God has imputed righteousness to us as His Children because we are in Christ. Our state before God is unleavened provided we maintain this relationship.

Until the Kingdom

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Jesus' statement, 'I will not drink of this fruit of the vine ... until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom" looks like a contradiction.

Fellowship With God

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Only those who have fellowship with God can have any hope, understanding, peace, or rest. The world remains under the sway of Satan, unable to live righteously.

'After Three Days'

Booklet by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

A scriptural explanation of the time of Christ's death, burial and resurrection, showing that He died on a Wednesday and rose from the dead on the Sabbath.

By This We Know Love!

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

As God's people keep God's law in its spiritual intent, they begin to think like the Father and His Son, both of whom habitually do good.

Debt and Obligation

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We live in a time when people have acquired a weak sense of obligation to family, society, or nation. Because sin cannot be undone, all are debtors to God.

How Do We Keep God's Festivals?

'Ready Answer' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Here are the foundational principles to keep in mind in observing the Feasts of God throughout the year.

The Signs of God (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

God equates belittling His signs with rejecting Him. The signs of the weekly and annual Sabbaths are emphasized by God, but commonly cast aside by men.