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Loving Your Enemy

Sermonette by Clyde Finklea

Scripture speaks of helping an enemy and "heaping burning coals of fire on his head." This seems to imply revenge, yet the Hebrew idiom indicates otherwise.

Vengeance is Mine

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Christ counsels us to love our enemies in order that we may be children of God, demonstrating not only His mercy but also our sonship by being peacemakers.

Hidden Anger (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Anger can be outwardly visible, but it can also show up in ways that are subtle, indirect, and deceptive. Proverbs 26:24-26 provides an example of this.

Listen To The Lamb's Voice

Sermon by Mark Schindler

The movie Ben-Hur captures the essence of the time and ministry of Christ. By letting go of anger and hatred, we take on the yoke of Jesus Christ.

By This Shall All Men Know You

Sermon by John O. Reid

A native practice involves leaving a young man on a remote island with only a bow and arrows until he learns to become a man, and God does something similar.

Be Angry and Do Not Sin

Sermonette by Clyde Finklea

Righteous anger is controlled, short-lived and unselfish, while unrighteous anger is uncontrolled, selfish, hard-hearted, and likely to foster bitterness.

The Defense Against Offense

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

The Bible states that offenses will come. Here are ways to handle offenses and keep minor irritations from growing into bitterness.

Samson and the Christian (Part 4)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

After slaughtering Philistines with a donkey's jawbone, Samson prayed perhaps his first truly humble prayer, acknowledging that God had gifted him.

Sticks and Stones

'Ready Answer' by Ted E. Bowling

What are we to do when destructive words come our way? We must learn to take everything with much patience and longsuffering, which will result in peace.

The Sixth Commandment (Part One) (1997)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Our society is becoming increasingly violent. The sixth of the Ten Commandments covers crime, capital punishment, murder, hatred, revenge and war.

'But I Say to You' (Part Six): Retaliation

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus, using hyperbole to shock His disciples into a change of behavior or attitude, emphasizing that they should resist the impulse to retaliate.


Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Longsuffering, or patience, the fourth fruit of the Spirit, is a much needed virtue in a fast-paced, impatient world.

Go the Extra Mile

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

The Sermon on the Mount contains a explanation of what it takes to be a Christian. Matthew 5:38-42 provides the principles behind the 'above and beyond' attitude.

The Commandments (Part Fifteen)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus emphasized the spirit of the law, which places deterrents on the motive (anger, resentment, envy, revenge), preventing murder from ever taking place.

Amos (Part Three)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Gentile nations without God's revelation were held accountable for basic principles of humanity. God reserves the severest penalty for Judah and Israel.

Blessed Are the Meek (2014)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In Paul's listings of virtues, meekness always appears near the end, reflecting its difficulty. Meekness is the gentle, quiet spirit of selfless devotion.

The Longsuffering of God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Ronny H. Graham

God has exercised patience, longsuffering, and forbearance, but He cannot acquit the unrepentant sinner.

Samson and the Christian (Part 6)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In his final act as judge of Israel, Samson toppled the pillars, killing more Philistines with his death than he had in his entire lifetime.

Bitterness Can Kill

Sermon by Mike Ford

Ahithophel serves as a poignant example that we must not permit bitterness to undermine our faith that the sovereign God is able to bring justice.

Mercy: The Better Option

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

It is easy to fall into the traps of judgmentalism, gossip, and unforgiveness. We must overcome our natural reactions and use forbearance in our relationships.

The Sixth Commandment

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

The sixth commandment, forbidding murder, is rare among the Ten Commandments in that a clear line can be drawn between its commission and its consequences.

The Sixth Commandment

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus magnifies the Law in Matthew 5, moving beyond the behavior into the motivating thought behind the deed, warning that we do not retaliate in kind.

Submitting (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Seeking our will at the expense of the group makes conflict inevitable. Society work only when everyone submits to one another in the fear of Christ.