Commentary: Suppressed Archaeology (Part One)

Archaeological Cover-ups

Given 20-Jun-15; 11 minutes


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The old limerick about Columbus sailing the ocean blue has almost-forgotten line: ". . . to learn if the old maps were true." Many explorations may have taken place to the western northern hemisphere by a technologically advanced people, distinct from the Native Americans. The technological advanced folk were tall of stature, wore full armor and had the ability to construct mounds containing graves and records of their settlements or civilization. Several groups have questioned the bias of the Smithsonian Institute for suppressing records of pre-Columbus exploration, probably in an effort to maintain John Wesley Powell's attempt to lionize the contributions of the Native American culture and to denigrate non-aboriginal explorations. The Smithsonian Institute apparently has been disingenuous about some discovered artifacts, including the discovery of large wooden coffins in the Crumf Cave. Some unconfirmed reports suggest that the proprietors of the Smithsonian Institute surreptitiously loaded a barge with artifacts, sinking it in the Atlantic Ocean to dispose of the inconvenient truth of cultural diffusionism throughout history.


The nursery rhyme begins,

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Less well-known is the line that follows: "…to learn if the old maps were true."

How can there be "old maps" of a land no one knew existed (according to those writing history? Were others here in North America before Columbus? What were their reasons for coming and what unexplained artifacts did they leave behind?

The oceans were highways to America rather than barriers, and when discoverers put ashore, they were greeted by unusual inhabitants, even some who had blue eyes! All these questions start forming in our minds, don't they?

Is the Smithsonian and/or the U.S. government covering up details of past archaeological discoveries that would shake the foundation of the politically correct social issues of today and accepted popular understanding of the past? When I was in school, we learned that Columbus discovered America, and we were told, "That wasn't Columbus; that was Amerigo Vespucci." Those were the lines that we were fed.

The U.S. government and academia have been very active in suppressing historical and archaeological discoveries in North America. It has been said, “History is written by the victors.” But who are the victors of the last several centuries? Who is writing the history of the modern world today? What archeological and historical truths are being hidden from us?

Investigators of archaeological cover-ups have found disturbing signs that the most important archaeological institute in the United States, the Smithsonian Institute, a supposedly “independent” federal agency, has been actively suppressing some of the most significant archaeological discoveries made in North America.

The history of this cover-up goes something like this: The suppression of archaeological discoveries and evidence began in late 1881 when John Wesley Powell, the geologist famous for exploring the Grand Canyon, appointed Cyrus Thomas as the director of the Eastern Mound Division of the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of Ethnology. When Thomas came to the Bureau of Ethnology, he was a "pronounced believer in the existence of a race of Mound Builders, distinct from the American Indians."

However, John Wesley Powell, the director of the Bureau of Ethnology, a very sympathetic man toward the American Indians, had lived with the peaceful Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin for many years as a youth and felt that American Indians were unfairly thought of as primitive and savage.

The Smithsonian began to promote the idea that Native Americans, at that time being exterminated in the Indian Wars, were descended from advanced civilizations and were worthy of respect and protection.

They also began a program of suppressing any archaeological evidence that gave credibility to the school of thought known as Diffusionism, the belief that throughout history there has been widespread dispersion of culture and civilization via contact by ship and major trade routes. The Smithsonian opted for the opposite belief, known as Isolationism. Isolationism maintains that most civilizations are isolated from each other and that there has been very little contact between them, especially those that are separated by bodies of water.

In this intellectual war, it was held that even contact between the civilizations of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys was rare, and certainly these civilizations did not have any contact with such advanced cultures as the Mayas, Toltecs, or Aztecs in Mexico and Central America. Even by Old World standards this is an extreme and even ridiculous idea, considering that the river system reached to the Gulf of Mexico and these civilizations were as close as the opposite shore of the gulf.

When the contents of many ancient mounds and pyramids of the Midwest were examined, it was shown that the history of the Mississippi River Valleys was that of an ancient and sophisticated culture that had been in contact with Europe and other areas around the world. Yet the Smithsonian still maintained its Isolationist viewpoint.

Not only that, but the contents of many mounds also revealed burials of huge men, sometimes seven or eight feet tall, in full armor, with swords and sometimes huge treasures. For instance, when Spiro Mound in Oklahoma was excavated in the 1930s, a tall man in full armor was discovered along with a pot of thousands of pearls and other artifacts, the largest such treasure so far documented. The whereabouts of the man in armor is unknown; and since most archeological finds of this caliber are taken to the Smithsonian Institution, it’s not surprising that they have been "lost." Secular man always tries to discredit Biblical truth. Even though the Bible substantiates the fact that “There were giants on earth in those days” (Genesis 6:4).

Though the idea of the Smithsonian covering up a valuable archaeological find is difficult to accept for some, there is, sadly, a great deal of evidence to suggest that the Smithsonian Institution has knowingly covered up and "lost" important archaeological relics to hide the inconvenient truth. One rumor floating around among archaeologists and researchers is that one who worked for the Smithsonian knew of a barge of artifacts that was taken out in the Atlantic and just dumped to destroy evidence. That's hearsay, but when we go through the evidence against the Smithsonian, it sounds very credible.

The Stonewatch Newsletter of the Gungywamp Society in Connecticut, which researches megalithic sites in New England, had a curious story in their Winter 1992 issue about coffins discovered in 1892 in Alabama which were sent to the Smithsonian Institution and then 'lost'.

According to the newsletter, researcher Frederick J. Pohl wrote an intriguing letter in 1950 to the late Dr. T. C. Lethbridge, a British archaeologist. The letter from Pohl stated,

A professor of geology sent me a reprint (of the) Smithsonian Institution, THE CRUMF BURIAL CAVE by Frank Burns, US Geological Survey, from the report of the US National Museum for 1892.

In the Crumf Cave, southern branch of the Warrior River, in Murphy's Valley, Blount County, Alabama, accessible from Mobile Bay by river, were coffins of wood hollowed out by fire, aided by stone or copper chisels. These coffins were taken to the Smithsonian. They were about 7.5 feet long, 14" to 18" wide, 6" to 7" deep. Lids open.

When asked, F. M. Setzler, Head Curator of the U.S. Department of Anthropology, replied, “We have not been able to find the specimens in our collection, though records show that they were received.”

David Barron, President of the Gungywamp Society, was eventually told and shrugged off by the Smithsonian in 1992 that the coffins were actually wooden troughs and that they could not be viewed anyway because they were housed in an asbestos-contaminated warehouse. This warehouse was to be closed for the next 10 years and no one was allowed in except the Smithsonian personnel. At every turn, you find the Smithsonian blocking these things.

In another case, Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist, and frequent guest on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show in the 1960s (usually with an exotic animal such as a pangolin or a lemur), once related a curious story about a letter he received regarding an engineer who was stationed on the Aleutian Island of Shemya during World War II.

While building an airstrip, his crew bulldozed a group of hills and discovered under several sedimentary layers what appeared to be human remains. The Alaskan mound was in fact a graveyard of gigantic human remains, consisting of skulls and long leg bones. The skulls measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown. Since an adult skull normally measures about 8 inches from back to front, such a large cranium would imply an immense size for a normally proportioned human.

Sanderson tried to gather more proof, eventually receiving a letter from another member of the unit who confirmed the report. The letters both indicated that the Smithsonian Institution had confiscated the remains, yet nothing else was ever heard.

Sanderson seemed convinced that the Smithsonian Institution had received the bizarre relics but wondered why they would not release the data. He asks, " it that these people can’t face rewriting all the textbooks?"

There are many more examples of the Smithsonian’s cover-up of inconvenient artifacts. I’m going to continue with this subject in my next commentary because the proof that there have been archeological discoveries that have been covered up is absolutely overwhelming.


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