Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2005


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2005)

Destruction of the Family
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 17-Oct-05; 64 minutes

The family is under savage attack, with more and more children born out of wedlock. With the destruction of the family, we are witnessing the death of the U.S.

Wealth and Righteousness

John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 18-Oct-05; 15 minutes

If people are blessed with physical wealth, they must invest it in the work of God - bringing His children to the image and stature of Jesus Christ.

Our Awesome Destiny

Becoming Children of God Through Faith
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 18-Oct-05; 73 minutes

Understanding is totally different from knowledge. Some people with ample knowledge are incredibly ignorant when discerning the plan of God.

That Lucky ol' Sun's Got Nothing To Do But Roll Around Heaven All Day

Debunking the Myth of Laziness in the Afterlife
Mike Ford
Given 18-Oct-05; 19 minutes

Even though a life of leisure might seem desirable, God has called us to a life of work. Salvation is not just accepting Christ and wafting off to heaven.

What We Can Learn from Booths

A Yearly Reminder of Our Pilgrim Status
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 18-Oct-05; 67 minutes

God intends for us to learn daily lessons from living in booths during the Feast of Tabernacles, a joyous time after the harvest has been taken in.

The Defense of Common Sense

God's Wisdom vs. the Wisdom of the World
Gilbert Boyer
Given 19-Oct-05; 27 minutes

Without relying upon God, we become slaves of our own lusts and desires, trusting in our own resources. God did not call people wise in their own eyes.

Modesty (Part One): Moderation and Propriety

Who Is In Charge of Your Life?
Martin G. Collins
Given 19-Oct-05; 70 minutes

We must avoid the world's extremes and sensual excesses in matters of dress and fashion, adopting instead humility, chastity, decency, morality, and self control.

Sanctification, Teens, and Self-Control

Considering the End : Adolescent Invincibility Disorder Syndrome
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 20-Oct-05; 76 minutes

Young people are responsible for the spiritual knowledge that they have learned from their parents, as well as the custodianship of spiritual blessings.


Sin Begins in the Heart
James Beaubelle
Given 20-Oct-05; 18 minutes

The tenth commandment seems to be the master control to violation of all the other commandments. All sin emanates in the hearts and defiles a person.

A Time of Great Sacrifice

Bill Onisick
Given 21-Oct-05; 16 minutes

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of joy and sacrifice. In the book of Numbers, we find a pattern of sacrifice and offerings.

Developing Spiritual Wanderlust

Enjoying Our Spiritual Pilgrimage
David F. Maas
Given 21-Oct-05; 45 minutes

Wanderlust is the desire to travel and see new things. All of our patriarchs were pilgrims, seeking a more permanent homeland than the one they left behind.

The Good Man and His Grandchildren

Providing a Lasting Inheritance
Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)
Given 21-Oct-05; 42 minutes

Grandparents have an obligation to transmit the best things of the past (morality, ethics, marriage and family values) to the current generation.

You Are What You Choose

Choosing Life
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 22-Oct-05; 81 minutes

Young people must make a choice in favor of God's will. We have the freedom of choice to set our destiny, and must bear the consequences of our choice.

What Are Your Big Rocks?

Putting First Things First
Clyde Finklea
Given 22-Oct-05; 18 minutes

Unless we put large rocks (the most important priorities) in a jar or container first, the container will inevitably fill up with trivia.

The Feast Brings Hope

The Antidote to the Pernicious Culture Wars
John O. Reid
Given 22-Oct-05; 82 minutes

The Feast of Tabernacles gives us hope that all the perversions will be destroyed, making way for God's righteousness to prevail upon the earth.

If You Do These Things, You Shall Never Fall

Mark Schindler
Given 23-Oct-05; 40 minutes

God has not set up us for failure, but if we can't control our inordinate pride, we could destroy our own chances of fulfilling God's purpose for us.

Modesty (Part Two): Put On Righteousness

Martin G. Collins
Given 24-Oct-05; 78 minutes

The immodesty of current fashion exposes the nakedness of our children as though they were prostitutes. Swimsuits have evolved into 'legalized' nakedness.

Communication and Coming Out of Babylon (Part 1)

Combating the Prince of the Power of the Air
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 25-Oct-05; 77 minutes

The demons who already inhabit the earth look upon us as interlopers. We need to monitor our thought impulses, lest we be bothered by demons.

Seeds and Seasons

Planting For a Future Harvest
David C. Grabbe
Given 25-Oct-05; 18 minutes

Most of the seeds that God has planted have been lying dormant, but the potential for growth, with the right water or precipitation, will germinate exponentially.

Why the Last Great Day?

A Day of Magnitude
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 25-Oct-05; 63 minutes

Some words are inadequate to describe the magnitude of certain things. Why is the 'Last Great Day' called great?