Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2007


The Handwriting Is On the Wall (Part One) (2007)

Fearing and Believing God Like Abraham
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 26-Sep-07; 57 minutes

The scattering of the church was God-ordained, providing a test for godliness. The isolating demonstrated by some groups is an abomination and an affront.

Why Work?

John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 27-Sep-07; 16 minutes

The counsel God gives about physical wealth has spiritual ramifications. The same negative habits that produce physical poverty also produce spiritual poverty.

The Handwriting Is On the Wall (Part Two) (2007)

Waiting on God
John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 27-Sep-07; 83 minutes

The sheep do not belong to any man or group, but to Christ. It is Christ's responsibility to get the sheep into the Kingdom, not the ministry's.

Preparing To Be King

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 27-Sep-07; 76 minutes

Our life is intended to be preparation for rulership in the Kingdom of God. The Bible has included instructions for preparing for rulership.

The Concept of Focus

Clyde Finklea
Given 27-Sep-07; 21 minutes

Having knowledge without having focus (for strengthening our faith or developing attitudes) is worse than not having knowledge at all.

Business Principles

James Beaubelle
Given 28-Sep-07; 19 minutes

Hard work and effort make worldly business succeed; we must emulate this model of diligence in our spiritual life. Religion is serious business.

Christ Our Peace

Martin G. Collins
Given 28-Sep-07; 71 minutes

We do not have the ability to bring peace to the world; only Christ can do that, first reconciling people to God and then with other people.

Why Are We Living in a Democracy?

Gilbert Boyer
Given 29-Sep-07; 20 minutes

Globalization, by repudiating national sovereignties, is a great threat to democracy, reason, and the well-being of greater Israel.

The Daniel Boone In All Of Us

Mike Ford
Given 29-Sep-07; 17 minutes

The Bible is filled with the forerunner pattern, in which a scout makes way for someone else, such as John the Baptist preparation the way for Christ.

God's Holy Days - Our Shared Vision Of Hope

Mark Schindler
Given 30-Sep-07; 35 minutes

From Passover to Pentecost to Trumpets to Atonement to the Feast of Tabernacles, these days should solidify our vision of he Father, Jesus, and one another.

The Fable of the Hedge Apple and the Recluse Spider

Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)
Given 30-Sep-07; 43 minutes

We must distinguish worthless information from useful information. We are obligated to make decisions based on fact, not unsubstantiated evidence.

Are You An Unwitting Spiritual Terrorist?

David F. Maas
Given 01-Oct-07; 18 minutes

A theme throughout the wisdom literature is the deleterious effects of neglect or passivity, where the sluggard is both the perpetrator and recipient of ruin.

This Gospel Of The Kingdom Shall Be Preached

David C. Grabbe
Given 02-Oct-07; 17 minutes

However the gospel is preached, God must be the source of the motivation and direction, not a man's desire to aggrandize himself doing a 'mighty work.'

Peace With God

Martin G. Collins
Given 02-Oct-07; 67 minutes

Like the restless motions of the sea, man will always have conflict without God's intervention and without the guiding influence of God's Holy Spirit.

Glorify You Me

John O. Reid
Given 03-Oct-07; 66 minutes

The purpose of our calling is not the place of safety, but that we glorify God, following the example of Jesus Christ.

Industriousness and Prosperity

John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 04-Oct-07; 16 minutes

God instructed Adam and Eve to dress and keep the garden, suggesting that mankind was created to work, creating order from disorder.

No More Darkness

Bill Onisick
Given 04-Oct-07; 17 minutes

In the heavenly Jerusalem there will be neither darkness nor night, and God's first fruits will have within them inherent light, as the Lord has inherent light.

The End

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 04-Oct-07; 61 minutes

Noah's flood was an end, the temple's destruction was an end, Christ's second coming will be an end, and the Last Great Day will be an end and a beginning.

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