Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2016


A Truly Threatening Time

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 16-Oct-16; 36 minutes

Progressive judicial powers have succeeded in taking away the civil rights of Christians, who can no longer practice their beliefs in the public square.

Why Be Industrious?

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 17-Oct-16; 25 minutes

Training a child to be industrious helps him to be successful, which in turn promotes a stable family, community, nation and will transfer into God's Kingdom.

The Third Day (Part One)

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 17-Oct-16; 61 minutes

Biblically, the third day carries much historic and prophetic significance.

The True Vine of Agape

Bill Onisick
Given 17-Oct-16; 19 minutes

Jesus Christ is the Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser; we are the branches, subject to trimming and pruning in order that we bear abundant fruit.

Hope to the End (Part Two)

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 17-Oct-16; 70 minutes

We need these horrific times and conditions to learn the consequences of foolish decisions in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

Journey of the Monarch Butterfly

Ryan McClure
Given 18-Oct-16; 20 minutes

We must undergo a metamorphosis from a carnal, fleshly (relatively worm-like) existence to a glorious, dazzling offspring of Almighty God.

Refuge! Refuge! (Part One)

Martin G. Collins
Given 18-Oct-16; 74 minutes

The cities of refuge highlight the great importance God placed on the sanctity of life, especially in beings created in God's image.

Order in the Midst of Chaos

Joseph B. Baity
Given 19-Oct-16; 22 minutes

God can restore order without us, but He wants to share the project with us, enabling us to become little oases of God's order during unbelievable chaos.

The Stones of the Jordan

Clyde Finklea
Given 19-Oct-16; 34 minutes

An overlooked prophecy in Matthew 3:7-9 refers to the stones placed in the Jordan River by the priests in Joshua's time, inscribed with the law of God.

Don't Cherry Pick God's Law

Kim Myers
Given 19-Oct-16; 54 minutes

While many people like some of God's laws, they like to pick and choose, preferring a blend of their own preferences with some of God's laws added in.

Principles of Church Leadership

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 20-Oct-16; 84 minutes

A major responsibility for the fracturing of the WCG rested with the leadership, based on a philosophy of authoritarianism Christ warned against.

Gifted (Part One)

Ronny H. Graham
Given 21-Oct-16; 19 minutes

We have been given gifts for which we can glorify our Heavenly Father and by which we can help and edify others.

From Pilgrims to Pillars (Part Two)

Refinement, Enhancement, and Glorification Metaphors
David F. Maas
Given 21-Oct-16; 32 minutes

The intensity of the heat in both the refiner's furnace and the potter's kiln resembles the fiery trials we must endure for the Refiner to remove the dross.

The Religion of Climate Change

Mike Ford
Given 21-Oct-16; 38 minutes

Being good stewards of the earth should not lead to the imbalanced practice of making mother-earth our goddess. Rejecting the Creator brings calamity.

Refuge! Refuge! (Part Two)

Martin G. Collins
Given 22-Oct-16; 74 minutes

Realizing that men are prone to mistakes, God commanded the Israelites to have six cities of refuge to protect those who accidentally committed manslaughter.

The Patient Pineapple

Ted E. Bowling
Given 22-Oct-16; 18 minutes

The majority of the growth or maturation of a pineapple plant takes place from within. The same holds true for our calling and conversion.

No Doubt

James Beaubelle
Given 22-Oct-16; 18 minutes

Doubt can be a tool to drive us to seek God and His counsel, where there are plenty of resources to stabilize us from wavering between two opinions.

Hope to the End (Part Three)

John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 22-Oct-16; 84 minutes

Faith, hope and love are spiritual gifts which safeguard us from discouragement and depression, giving us a mature perspective that will last eternally.

Trust Issues

Austin Del Castillo
Given 23-Oct-16; 21 minutes

When we take counsel only in ourselves, we run the risk of giving ourselves over to the one who influences our human nature, Satan the Devil.


Charles Whitaker
Given 23-Oct-16; 35 minutes

Two of Daniel's prophecies differ by 75 days, perhaps paralleling the 75 dramatic days between the resurrections of Lazarus and Jesus Christ.

Pentecost - The Beginning - All in All

Mark Schindler
Given 23-Oct-16; 44 minutes

We must look beyond our own calling, realizing that the sacrifice of Christ was for all men, with the hope that they will be added to the family of God.

The Small and Great Standing Before God

Martin G. Collins
Given 24-Oct-16; 16 minutes

The greatest, according to Jesus Christ, can be determined by the one who serves the most with an attitude of humility, generosity, and other-centeredness.

The Third Day (Part Two)

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Given 24-Oct-16; 71 minutes

As a biblical motif, the third day indicates a colossal turn-around from hopelessness to victory. The third day revival motif recurs throughout Scripture.

The Light of the World

David C. Grabbe
Given 24-Oct-16; 20 minutes

Christ's teachings on the Eighth Day revolved around light and darkness, and twice on that Holy Day He proclaimed that He is the Light of the World.

Do Angels Live Forever? (Part Two)

John W. Ritenbaugh
Given 24-Oct-16; 66 minutes

Ezekiel 28 reveals that Satan's fate will be ashes in the Lake of Fire; it would be inconsistent with God's character for Him to inflict pain eternally.

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