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Harmony with God and the Brethren
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingGod's people are like a musical ensemble, each having unique pitches and timbre. As we yield to our Conductor, we also blend with one another, creating harmony.
The Purpose of Relationships
Sermonette by Ryan McClureThe marriage covenant was designed to bring incomplete components of the God image together in one flesh, from which other relationships developed.
A Trustworthy Relationship
Sermon by Mark SchindlerWe have been given an incredible privilege to be placed within the Body of Christ. This same privilege applies to our fellow saints as well.
Building Relationships
Sermonette by Ryan McClureThe Scriptures provide many examples of how difficult relationships were dealt with by humility, deference, longsuffering, and prayer.
United With Whom?
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeOur relationship with God is the key to unity with the brethren. When we are all just like Christ, we will also all resemble each other—and there will be unity.
'By What Every Joint Supplies'
'Ready Answer' by StaffOne of our primary duties as Christians is to build strong, loving relationships with our brethren. What are you supplying to the growth of the body?
Mutability and Our Christlike Response
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThroughout life, change is inevitable, requiring constant adjustment as to how we evaluate and treat others. We all change repeatedly throughout the stages of life, altering as we age, endure trials, and grow in spiritual insights. We must be sensitive, fair, and supportive of others, refraining from judgment. Both Joseph and …
Loving the Body of Christ (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by John ReissA root cause of the Corinthians' problems (and perhaps ours) was a massive failure in evaluating the worth of other members of the spiritual Body of Christ.
Does Jesus See You as His Friend?
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloJesus puts a condition on our friendship: We are His friends if we do what He commands, unlike the assumption that belief on His name is the only requirement.
Devoting Ourselves to Fellowship
'Ready Answer' by Clyde FinkleaChristian fellowship is more than just getting together on a regular basis; it is sharing with each other on a higher, spiritual level.
The Prisoners
Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo'To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.' Forgiving and being forgiven are part of being a family.
A Peaceful Spirit
CGG Weekly by Gary MontgomeryIf we consider our relationship with God of small value, our conduct, especially toward our brethren, will show it and produce contention and disunity.
God's Perseverance With His Saints (Part Three)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe unity Jesus appeals for with His disciples is not organizational unity, but unity within the divine nature, exampled in the unity between He and the Father.
Psalm 133
Sermon/Bible Study by Richard T. RitenbaughTrue unity comes from God via His Holy Spirit and requires humbly submitting to God's terms rather than our own agendas.
Friends of the Friendless (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by John ReissTrue worship of God is more than just not sinning but also visiting the widows and the fatherless. These categories represent all who are weak and lack support.
The True Meaning of Fellowship
Sermonette by Clyde FinkleaWhen we examine two important connotations of the word 'fellowship,' we see that the meaning radiates far beyond the activity of talking with one another.
Troubling the Household of God
Sermon by Mark SchindlerIf we allow the old, carnal man to dictate how we speak or make other decisions, we will trouble the household of God and inherit nothing but the wind.
The Beatitudes, Part 7: Blessed Are the Peacemakers
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThis world lauds warmakers, but God says that peacemakers are blessed. The first step in becoming a peacemaker is to be reconciled to God.
Church Unity Despite the Spirit of the World
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsThe unity of God's church does not derive from organizational expertise, the conformity of ecumenism, or the tolerance for evil, but from the family model.
'But I Say to You' (Part Two): Murder and Anger
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughMurder originates in the heart. Nothing from the outside defiles a man but originates in the heart governed by carnal human nature.
An Acceptable Gift
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeWhat God is most interested in is the heart behind the offering, and what is in the heart will be seen in what we are willing to do for the sake of a brother.
Love Thy Neighbor (Part 2)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)He who loves God must love his brother, including every fellow human being. Our closeness with God transcends the other human relationships.
First Things First (Part Two): The Right Sacrifice
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeCain represents religion and worship on a person's own terms, according to his own priorities, rather than according to God's instruction.
Eating: How Good It Is! (Part Seven)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughOur physical bodies have a defense system to keep out invaders. Spiritually, how well do we maintain our defenses against error and contamination?
Unity (Part 7): Ephesians 4 (D)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBecause of our lack of self-discipline and willingness to guard the truth, we have allowed our theological base to deteriorate under the persuasion of the world.
Compassion and Couch Potatoes
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Christians who 'sit out' opportunities to serve, becoming in effect couch potatoes, commit sins of omission which may lead to the Lake of Fire.
Burying Our Talents?
Sermonette by Bill OnisickGod expects a return on the investment He has placed in us. Doing nothing with our abilities is a grievous abuse of this trust.
Are You Subject to Perpetual Bondage?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPaul appealed to his old friend Philemon after his slave Onesimus ran away, stealing his money, running to Rome to assist Paul during his imprisonment.
Unity and Unleavened Bread
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAs members of Christ's body, we must function for the good of the whole body, not competing with other parts. We must continually function as a son of God.
Reconciliation and Unity
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughIt is foolish and pointless to use the same charm, social skills, and duplicity toward God as we use to deceive others and, sadly, even ourselves.
Are You Running on Empty?
Sermonette by Austin Del CastilloThe Parable of the Ten Virgins must become a wake-up call to the church of God that we are 'running on empty,' to quote a Jackson Brown song.
Checklist for Overcoming
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughRomans 12-16 provide a checklist for overcoming and promoting positive relationships, developing tender affection. We are mutually dependent upon one another.
Unifying Behaviors
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughEvery righteous, selfless act of outgoing concern we perform promotes unity within the church, drawing brethren closer together, suggesting a spiritual law.
A Just Weight Is His Delight
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeGodly principles are timeless, and though the application may not be the same, honest weights and scales are still crucial for a smooth and peaceful society.
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughEach member of Christ's body must choose to function in the role God has ordained to produce unity, emulating Christ in striving to please the Father
The Rest of the Story
Sermon by Mark SchindlerIn I Corinthians 11:29, we are cautioned not to partake of the Passover in an unworthy manner, a primary example of which is the shabby treatment of brethren.
The March Toward Globalism (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Self-will must be extirpated from our children; God's will must take its place. Childrearing must begin at the start of a child's formative life.
How to Conduct Ourselves as Ambassadors for Christ
Article by David F. MaasDo we have what it takes to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ? Understanding how national representatives carry out their duties helps us in our commission.
The Talking Blood (1994)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe blood of Christ, a propitiation or appeasing force, the only means to satisfy God's pure sense of justice, is a testimony of God's intense love for us.
Are You a True Friend of Jesus Christ?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIn every platitude and truism about friendship that we have read, all point to loyalty and faithfulness as the most desired attributes.
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityIf God's people do not believe they are lovable, they may deprive others of a blessing by refusing to accept charitable help from a spiritual sibling.
The Mystery of the Church
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod desires to know whether the spiritual remnants will choose His teaching or assimilating into the world, biting and devouring one another.
Humble Service
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingJesus modeled the practice of foot-washing to demonstrate the need to be submissive to one another, to serve one another, including those who betray.
How God Deals With Conscience (Part Four)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsAt times, God has to ignite our conscience and undermine our self-confidence to get our attention in a similar fashion as he did to Joseph's brothers.
Godly Tact and Diplomacy
Article by David F. MaasHumans are very adept at causing offense. But as Christians, we must learn the art of tact and diplomacy that works toward unity among the brethren.
Image and Likeness of God (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe numerous figures of speech describing God's body parts substantiate that God has shape and form and occupies a specific location.
Submitting (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughLiberty without guidelines will turn into chaos. We will be free only if we submit to the truth. All authority, even incompetent authority, derives from God.
Reconciliation and the Day of Atonement
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughRepentance is something we must do with our God-given free moral agency. Reconciliation is an ongoing process that enables us to draw closer to what God is.