Playlist: Feast of Tabernacles 2013
Be Prepared
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Given 18-Sep-13; 42 minutes
God has given us clear records of what has occurred in the pass, enabling us to bind time, profiting from the past and preparing for the future.
Balancing Prosperity
John W. RitenbaughGiven 19-Sep-13; 25 minutes
Financial prosperity does not necessarily equate with success. Christ actually magnified the concept of success, which transcends wealth accumulation.
The Millennium and Union With Christ
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 19-Sep-13; 78 minutes
The millennial situation will resemble the behavior of our forebears; it will be our responsibility to lead them to hope, joy, character, and faith in God.
What Does it Take to Survive?
Ronny H. GrahamGiven 19-Sep-13; 17 minutes
The solutions to our trials should prove that God doesn't leave outcomes to chance. As we face our own Red Seas, we must remember that God calls survivors.
Who Deserves Our Loyalties?
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Given 19-Sep-13; 79 minutes
When we are called, we are asked to count the cost and plan accordingly. We must totally give ourselves over to becoming fashioned into His image.
King Solomon's Mines
Mike FordGiven 20-Sep-13; 21 minutes
There are many speculative accounts of the location of King Solomon's mines, a venue which has been lost since the scuttling of Jehoshaphat's fleet. Here's why.
Secession (Part One): Is Separation Wrong?
Martin G. CollinsGiven 20-Sep-13; 73 minutes
As members of God's family, we are admonished to separate ourselves from the Babylonish system as Noah prepared himself from a hopelessly corrupt world.
Beware the Second Flood
David C. GrabbeGiven 21-Sep-13; 19 minutes
Satan is pumping a flood of irrelevant and useless information. We must prioritize our information intake, guarding against blowing our spiritual circuits.
Seeing Sanctification as an Exciting Adventure
David F. MaasGiven 21-Sep-13; 63 minutes
The events in today's news can seem overwhelming, but there are strategies to turn the sanctification process into an exciting adventure.
God's Love Language of Touch
Bill OnisickGiven 21-Sep-13; 20 minutes
The incident of the woman with the hemorrhage teaches us that when we, in faith, reach out to touch God, He will reciprocate with love and compassion.
Being Alert to Our Enemy
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Given 21-Sep-13; 82 minutes
Like the cycles of the seasons, the events of prophecy follow natural progressions. God has given ample warnings to His prophets to prepare His people.
Collateral Damage
Joseph B. BaityGiven 22-Sep-13; 21 minutes
We need to be careful not to emulate Lot's desire to stay close or be cozy with the corrupt culture within which he lived.
Who Are You?
John O. ReidGiven 22-Sep-13; 36 minutes
God chooses the base and the foolish of the world, giving them the precious truth leading to sanctification and glorification, making us unique to God.
My Hour Has Not Yet Come
Mark SchindlerGiven 22-Sep-13; 42 minutes
Jesus' response to His mother at the wedding—'My hour has not yet come'—was not disrespect but perhaps a challenge to attach real faith with mere knowledge.
Consider Carefully How You Listen
Clyde FinkleaGiven 23-Sep-13; 21 minutes
In the Parable of the Sower, some seeds fall among the thorns, symbolic of the cares and anxieties of the world that choke out the ability to bear fruit.
The Meaning of "In Christ"
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 23-Sep-13; 70 minutes
In order to have our inner core properly re-adjusted, we must have the state of 'being in Christ.'
The Race, The Team
Ted E. BowlingGiven 24-Sep-13; 22 minutes
We are in an agonizing, grueling, life-time spiritual race, into which Satan throws in deadly obstacles and hardship. This race takes teamwork to endure.
Secession (Part Two): Spiritual Separation
Martin G. CollinsGiven 24-Sep-13; 74 minutes
Any syncretism with the world will lead to confusion. We must separate from the world in terms of its religious practices and its false gospels.
Our Latter End
James BeaubelleGiven 25-Sep-13; 13 minutes
We are aware that our days are short, and our time has a built in limit, an opportunity to diligently finish the work God has given us to do.
Baruch's Discontent
Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Given 25-Sep-13; 38 minutes
God was going to uproot the civilization that Baruch knew, but he was not to attempt to take advantage of the calamity for personal gain.
Faith to Carry Us to the Millennium
Kim MyersGiven 25-Sep-13; 44 minutes
How do we get the faith we need to endure this present age? Living faith requires that we match hearing with productive works.
Vision and Reflection
Martin G. CollinsGiven 26-Sep-13; 21 minutes
The white radiant garments worn by the resurrected saints symbolize the righteousness of the saints, made possible by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The Second Resurrection and Union With Christ
Richard T. RitenbaughGiven 26-Sep-13; 72 minutes
We are going to have to find ways to make God's way appealing to people of alien cultures, gently bringing them to a tipping point.
Classical and Modern Metaphors of the Resurrection
David F. MaasGiven 26-Sep-13; 21 minutes
All we really know about the afterlife comes through metaphor, such as Paul's metaphor of a corruptible seed which becomes raised immortal and incorruptible.
The New World Order Rises
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Given 26-Sep-13; 70 minutes
The Beast is a reality, and it is coming to pass in the scope of globalism. Satan has a vast reservoir of people he can work through; we used to be a part of it.