Sermonette: Dominion and Leaven (Part Two)

Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven

Given 07-Apr-18; 18 minutes


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Dominion Theology is derived in part from a misapplication of two parables in Matthew 13:32-33, both of which assume that the phenomenal growth of the mustard plant into a tree housing birds and the leavening which spreads through the dough indicates that the Kingdom of God was to spread through the dramatic growth of church membership. The point of the mustard plant was that it had become a habitation for demons, while the meaning of the growth of leavened dough was that the Kingdom of God had grown corrupt by becoming leavened with Halakhic traditions, including bald-faced pagan traditions, Gnostic varieties of Judaism, and shameless hypocritical behavior exhibited by the Jewish leadership of Christ's time. Dominion theology is one of the dangerous false doctrines threatening to leaven God's Church. Certainly, God is not finished with physical Israel, but the Israel of God has the unique opportunity to "do it right" by consuming the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

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