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Islands and Offenses

'Ready Answer' by Staff

As much as we wish our church congregations could get along peacefully, Jesus tells us that, sadly, offenses must come (Luke 17:1).

Godly Tact and Diplomacy

Article by David F. Maas

Humans are very adept at causing offense. But as Christians, we must learn the art of tact and diplomacy that works toward unity among the brethren.

Parables of the Millstone and the Lost Sheep

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

These two parables are linked because they are the answers to the disciples' question, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?'

Lost and Found: The Power of Apologies and Forgiveness

Sermonette by Jared M. Ellis

Forgiving, even when there is no apology, reflects the Father and Jesus Christ. The prodigal son is a story of the deep love we should have towards each other.

Penalty of Death

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Gossip is like scattering feathers in a wind: It is just as impossible to reverse the damage done by gossip as it is to regather the feathers.

Matthew (Part Twenty-Four)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Those who are mature should be able to endure the slights of the immature, being circumspect not to lead anyone into sin through our careless example.

Am I Childlike or Childish

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Childlike humility overlooks offenses, but childish pride causes one to strike out in retaliation when feelings are hurt or feathers are ruffled.

Our Words Matter: Are They Harmful or Helpful?

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

Emotional damage from hurtful words is more harmful to our nervous system than we have imagined, lingering long past the healing time of any cut or broken bone

Restoration and Forgiveness

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

It is impossible to grow spiritually in a climate of animosity and jealousy. If we use the power of God's Holy Spirit, peace will accrue as a fruit.

Fire Igniter or Fire Extinguisher

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Relationships in the church have been charred by loose lips and careless tongues described in James 3:2, setting on fire the course of nature by hell.

What Does "Discerning the Lord's Body" Mean? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

When Paul talks about the 'the [Lord's] body' without defining exactly what he means, he does so in the middle of a lengthy discourse on the spiritual Body.

As Much as Depends on You

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Though we are sometimes confronted with conflict, we have a duty to make peace through exercising love. Unity and peace are fruits of God's Spirit.

Joseph's Extraordinary Example

Sermon by Kim Myers

Joseph was an extraordinary type of Jesus Christ. His life and character parallels Christ's in at least 16 ways, which God purposefully foreordained.

Pure Language Restored

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When we repeat negative expressions, they become reinforced, and we develop a negative disposition. Our spoken words reinforce our thoughts.

Perfect, Gentle Courtesy (Part 1)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Our manners express our personality, especially as they portray humility, courtesy, or gentleness, and are improved as we make use of God's Spirit.

New Covenant Priesthood (Part Twelve)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Our forgiveness from God is conditional, depending upon our forgiving others. It is an opportunity for us to extend grace, sacrificing as Christ did for us.

Displaying Virtuous Character

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Self-control has both an inward and outward dimension, the latter concerned with human relationships, manners, and reflecting God's orderly mindset.